Using BootStrap and jQuery in Avatar Dream Framework
We have included Bootstrap and jQuery in our Avatar Dream Framework. Now you can fully exploit the advantages of 2 libraries.
The important feature that it brings to us is responsive function. Our template will use the responsive feature in BootStrap.
A 12-column responsive grid, dozens of components, JavaScript plugins, typography, form controls, and even a web-based Customizer to make Bootstrap your own.
Bootstrap was made to not only look and behave great in the latest desktop browsers, but in tablet and smartphone browsers via responsive CSS as well.
Check the first responsive template for Joomla - Avatar Simple
Avatar Compact News Previewer – Module
Avatar Compact News Previewer is a joomla’s module that allows display Articles look like Lasted News Module. This module is based on the Jquery.
Beautiful Joomla slider photos
The Avatar Slide Skitter is a Joomla slideshow module & Joomla slideshow plugin. They are based on the Skitter library. Skitter is a JavaScript image slider framework built on top of the jQuery with various beautiful effects
Responsive Slider Photo Galleria
Avatar Slide Galleria Extension is a Joomla Slideshow is based on the Galleria plugin. Joomla photo gallery has responsive and swipe features for touch devices and a new experience with fullscreen feature.
Avatar VirtueMart Slide Products – Module
Avatar VM Slide Products is a joomla’s module that allows display Virtuemart Products look like Image Silder with description, price of products. This module is based on the Jquery Framework and the NIVO-Slider Effect. Many effect, navigation...
Responsive Slide Content – K2 Module
Avatar K2 Slide Items is a joomla’s module that allows display K2 Items look like Image Silder and Content Slider. This module is based on the Jquery Framework and the NIVO-Slider Effect. Many effect, navigation,...
Avatar Slide Image - Module, Plugin
The AvatarSlide is a simple slideshow module/plugin is based on the Jquery and the Easing Plugin. This module/plugin will load & display images in the local folders that are selected with some options allow you to control the slideshow.